Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Nancy Skacel [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Biology
Sci-Tech, 207 717-749-6238
Rodger Small [email protected]
Maintenance Worker, Building Operations
Physical Plant 717-749-6226
Amanda Snider [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Associate Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education , Associate Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Allied Health Building, 309 717-749-6235
Stephen Spangler [email protected]
Officer , Police Services
Police Services 717-749-6070
Antonia Spedden [email protected]
Coordinator , Student Aid
Conklin Hall, 101J 717-749-6142
David Spitzer [email protected]
Part-time Lecturer, Philosophy
Science Technology, 214 717-749-6151
Julie Stafford [email protected]
Information Resources and Services Support Specialist, Library
Mont Alto Library 717-749-6044
Judith Staley [email protected]
Administrative Assistant, Finance and Business Services
Conklin Hall, 201B 717-749-6031
Kaitlyn Starrs [email protected]
Part-time Clinical Adjunct, Baccalaureate Nursing Program
Allied Health Building, 202 717-749-6137
Patricia Stepler [email protected]
Part-time Lecturer, Music
Mary Jo Stevenson [email protected]
Administrative Assistant, Campus Life
Conklin Hall, 203 717-749-6156
Stephani Stine [email protected]
Manager, Bookstore
Bookstore, Main Floor 717-749-6195
Erin Stoops [email protected]
Part-time Lecturer, Chemistry
Alexander Storm [email protected] Sci-Tech, 221 717-749-6239
Eileen Strausner [email protected]
Administrative Assistant, Nursing
Allied Health Building, 202 717-749-6137
Jaye Tinsley [email protected]
General Manager of Penn State Commonwealth Bookstores, Bookstore
Bookstore 717-749-6195
Ashley Tkacik [email protected]
Disability Specialist, Academic Support Center
General Studies Building , 102 717-749-6118
Jordan Traut
Student Life Coordinator, Residence Life
Wiestling Hall, 105 717-749-6135
Dana Tyree [email protected]
Part-time Clinical Adjunct, Baccalaureate Nursing Program
Allied Health Building, 202 717-749-6137
Matt Ulmer [email protected] Conklin Hall 717-749-6091